The aim of the advertising spot for Kickstarter is to present the board game Project L with the Finesse expansion. In addition to introducing the basic functionality of the whole game, it is also important to show that the game is really for everyone. All this in an engaging way, so that the project reaches the set financial goal of €15,000.

The audience on Kickstarter is discerning. Almost every day, dozens of new projects are created there and they fight for attention not only with their functionality, but also with their well-thought-out advertising campaigns. We had been entertaining the idea of using a robotic arm for shooting for a while. And what would be a better occasion to use it than Project L.
The typical use of the robotic arm for only a few non-standard shots, however, seemed too little for the discerning Kickstarter audience. That is why we decided to make everything so that with the help of invisible cuts the video would look like one long uninterrupted shot.
But how to bring all target groups together?
Seat the types of people you wouldn't expect together at one table and give every one the same goal. To win at all costs. :)
In just 20 minutes from the launch on Kickstarter, the amount exceeded the required €15,000 and reached an incredible amount of €401,602.